Traumatic Brain Injuries

After suffering a traumatic brain injury, a neurologist or physician will likely recommend comprehensive neuropsychological testing (often in conjunction with imaging scans). This assessment can aid in determining how damage to specific areas of the brain may affect a person's short- and long-term cognitive and behavioral functioning as well as establish a baseline, which can be helpful in tracking treatment progress over time.
When is an evaluation usually recommended?
​Fall resulting in a head injury
Motor vehicle crash
Blow to the head
Acceleration / deceleration or whiplash
Sports concussion
Anoxia (Loss of oxygen as a result of near drowning, heart attack, side effect of surgery, blood loss)
Stroke (bleed or block of blood flow to the brain)
Aneurysms in the brain which decrease blood flow
Medical conditions resulting in brain injury
Cardiac conditions reducing oxygen to the brain
Open heart surgery
Multiple Sclerosis
Chemical toxicity in the brain occurring from chemotherapy treatment for cancer
Environmental damage to the brain
Chemical toxicity through exposure to industrial toxins, excessive carbon monoxide, drug overdose
Mild cognitive impairment- Loss of mental abilities due to aging
What to expect from a neuropsychological evaluation for a traumatic brain injury
​The evaluation process typically consists of the following steps:
1. Phone Consultation
When an individual or family member calls our office, they are immediately given a time to have a brief phone consultation free of charge to help determine whether NSW is the clinic best suited to meet their needs or those of a loved one. Following this conversation, an intake appointment can be scheduled.
2. Intake Appointment
This is a clinical interview to discuss medical, educational, and work background and any history of the injury, learning, and/or any behavioral or emotional challenges. We explain the evaluation process and let the client and/or family/parents know what additional information will be needed to complete testing. (This consultation typically is conducted in a 45 minutes intake session.)
3. Testing/Assessment
The testing is scheduled over the course of two days, with breaks as needed. During the assessment various instruments are utilized to assist in answering the referral question. We do not use a set battery of tests but pick and choose from a wide variety of instruments that can provide the data needed to answer a variety of questions and to plan the next step in a person’s life. We will then schedule a feedback session within 2-3 weeks of the evaluation.
4. Feedback Session
During this in-person appointment, we will review test results, diagnostic impressions, and recommendations and discuss a plan to help the client successfully reach their goals. Following the feedback session, we will provide a written evaluation report describing all test results, impressions, and treatment recommendations in greater detail.